South China Sea Saga: No confrontation between Vietnam and China
Back in May, China deployed a Rig in the South China Sea near Vietnam. Hanoi requested Beijing to pull away and dispatched patrol vessels in an attempt to interrupt the particular operations. China was adamant that it did do a thing wrong and charged Vietnam of unlawfully interfering with its ventures.
The arrangement with the platform had been publicly viewed as a tactic by China in graduallystaking away its own claims within the South China Sea, which is also claimed by other countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei.
“Vietnam is determined to defend its sovereignty and sovereign rights in accordance with international law,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.
China has withdraw from the rig and has minimize any risk from naval standoff among the two countries. Beijing says it has completed its task in the area and did not withdraw because of the pressure by its neighboring countries and the west.
Source and Continue reading @ buisnessweek