One Dollar Beers and a Festival? Vang Vieng, Laos

One Dollar Beers and a Festival? Vang Vieng, Laos

Vang Vieng a tourist hot spot, has always been a popular town to visit in the past 15 years.  Known for its tubing and cheap beer amongst westerners, Vang Vieng triples the fun with annual rocket festival.

“STARTLED by the loudest explosion I have ever heard, I sat up and tried to wrench myself from sleep. The sudden movement sent what felt like a pickaxe into my brain and I quickly lay back down again. The stale taste of $1 beers and home-brewed whisky brought it back to me: I was in Laos. More specifically, I was in Vang Vieng, a town notorious for its rowdy bars, cheap drugs and tourist drownings as they tube down the river from bar to bar.”

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